Safe to attend Korsholm Music Festival's concerts!
Covid-19 update

Thanks to the good Corona situation in Finland, this year Korsholm Music Festival can be arranged without restrictions.
We continue to take extra measures to ensure that your concert visit is safe and secure.
Before the concert:
Contact surfaces and door handles are disinfected before and during the concert according to the authorities' instructions. We will have programmes for sale before the concerts, and we recommend you card payments.
When you come to Korsholm Music Festival's concert halls 2022:
- Stay at home if you feel sick, have short of breath or cough
- Wait to be admitted to the hall, queue from a distance, do not rush!
- Remember hand hygiene, use hand disinfection - it is in place!
- We recommend you to wear a mask. Masks are sold before concerts at the concert venues.
- If you cough, do it in a disposable handkerchief or in the armpit!